Music by Cruz Macias & Friends

Modern Day Renaissance Man: Musician, Song-Writer, Artist, Video Editor, Web Developer, Software Engineer, Application Programmer, Computer Science Professor, and Mathematics Tutor.


About Cruz

Following Jesus through musicianship and artistry. I'm a metalcore vocalist looking for a band. I have been in bands that have opened up for the 2007 Rockstar Taste of Chaos Tour with headliners The Used, Senses Fail, Saosin, Chiodos, Aiden, and 30 Seconds To Mars with front man Jared Leto who recently starred in films Morbius and Haunted Mansion. Performed with bands such as Evaline, Four Letter Lie, The Color Morale, and Another Hero Dies. Winners of the MySpace Battle of the Bands earning a stage at the 2007 Rockstar Taste of Chaos Tour at The Rave/Eagles Club in Milwaukee, WI on Mar. 17th, 2007. Also, I play bass and acoustic guitar for church, both contemporary and hymnal. I write my own music and incorporate a variety of instruments and styles. Contact me for inquiries and projects. Completed a graduate degree in Computer Science and completed baccalaureate in Applied Mathematics with a minor in Anthropology. A Follower of the Way, I am an open minded seeker and former atheist. Disclaimer: The views expressed on this profile are solely those of Cruz Macias and do not reflect the views of any affiliates nor of any previous and current employers.

Serving the Lord & His People

*Disclaimer: Believers in Christ are called to serve the Lord and His church with all their hearts; an act of their own volition. Though I do not advocate using the term "volunteer" to describe service work in the church, servants of the Lord are instruments of God's will and not a title of nobility (1 Peter 2:16), I choose this adjective to clarify for employers that the roles I have adopted over the years and will continue to pursue are non-profit efforts without pay. These efforts do not and will not compromise my commitment as an employee to a given organization. This disclaimer is meant to eliminate any concern of moonlighting or conflict of interest.

"Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood" [Acts 20:28]. "For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another" [Galatians 5:13]. "And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men" [Colossians 3:23]. See Matthew 25:40, John 13:14-15, Galatians 5:13, Ephesians 6:6-7, Colossians 3:23, and Acts 20:28.
King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain

Small Groups Leader / Cornerstone Church
Marion, IL
Aug. 2019 - Dec. 2019

Volunteer Service: Host of the Open-Mic Worship event. Hosted an Open Mic Worship service bi-weekly for the Fall 2019 semester. Designed, hosted (server), and implemented event web-page using HTML (CSS).

Worship Team Member / Redemption Community Church
Belleville, IL
Jan. 2020 - Jun. 2021

Volunteer Service: Play bass and acoustic guitars for the Worship Team during services.

Music Ministry Team Member / Harmony Freewill Baptist Church
Johnston City, IL
Jan. 2022 - July 2022

Volunteer Service: Play acoustic guitar and harmonica and sing in the choir for specials and during service.

Bible Study Host and Web Developer / EBS Ministries
July 2022 - present

Volunteer Service: Develop and manage the EBS support site, develop bible study lesson plans, and host a weekly small group meeting on Zoom.
EBS Ministries Website

My Portfolio

Sketches and Photographs

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Music Video Stills

Photographed Celestial Events

Total Solar Eclipse April 2024

Total Solar Eclipse April 2024

Total Solar Eclipse April 2024

Total Solar Eclipse April 2024

Lunar Eclipse Nov 2021

Partial Lunar Eclipse Nov 2021

Total Solar Eclipse Aug 2017 Crescent Shadows

Milky Way Kansas Tallgrass Prairie 2021

Crepuscular Rays Kansas Tallgrass Prairie 2021: Facing East

Crepuscular Rays Kansas Tallgrass Prairie 2021: Facing West

Solar Terminator Tallgrass Prairie 2021

AI Art and Animation

AI Adaptations of My Music

The original recording of the song shown here was not composed using AI tools. This recording, lyrics, and composition are solely of human authorship.

The song shown here was generated using Suno AI. Lyrics only taken from the song Until my Lungs Collapse by the band Angel from their 2007 ep Our Tragic Ending.

The original recording of the song shown here was not composed using AI tools. This recording, lyrics, and composition are solely of human authorship.

The song shown here was generated using Suno AI. Lyrics taken from the song Chains by the band Angel from their 2021 single.

The original recording of the song shown here was not composed using AI tools. This recording, lyrics, and composition are solely of human authorship.

The song shown here was generated using Suno AI. Lyrics only taken from the song Liquid Above; Solid Beneath by the band Angel from their 2022 demo. This demo was never recorded in studio. Lyrics inspired by Genesis 6:4 of the King James Version bible.

The original recording of the AI generated songs shown here was not composed using AI tools. The lyrics are solely of human authorship. The original song is unavailable at this time. The songs shown here were generated using Suno AI. Lyrics only taken from a demo track that I recorded vocals to when trying out for a band in 2023.

The original recording of the song shown here was not composed using AI tools. This recording, lyrics, and composition are solely of human authorship:
[Working Title] Key of Amaj 4/4 Allegro (120-140 bpm)
Chord progressions:
1. Amaj/Dmaj/Emaj
2. A-B-C#-Amajx3/Dmaj/Emaj
1. A-E-D-C#-A-C#
2. A-E-D-C#-A-C#-D-C#-A

The song shown here was generated using Suno AI. Lyrics only taken from the Song idea 7 On the Rationality of Fairness [Working Title] written by yours truly. Lyrics inspired by Romans 8:6, Exodus 3:14, John 8:58, and Rene Descartes "Cogito Ergo Sum".

Sketches with AI

Self-Protrait Photograph

AI Anime Interpretation (image credit upon request)

Hand Drawn Sketch of AI Image

Final Angel Show 2010